Thursday, October 29, 2009

Darkest Life Ever !!

People do say that happiness wont stay long ...its absolutely true... i had experience it...within a week after i came back from my GZ life started to become miserable .... too many unfavour things happen within this week and i really cant stand with it...REALLY CANT !! Is it i am not used to be pressured or what ?? What happen to my EQ ??

Previously i quite satisfied with my life but recently i feel my life is full of darkness...i do really need someone who is capable to wipe off all the darkness in my life and bring back my life which i used to be.....I tried to talk with my few close friend but i think it remain the same after talking with them...Sorry my friends...

Too many unfavour things happen in the same time really makes life miserable. I hope i can solve my problem within this long weekend...i need to be 100% clear minded to continue my study in this new trimester.....

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